“Space, Time, Narrativity: a Conversation with Myra Beltran and Sherad Sanchez”
Introduction By Ruth Jordana L. Pison

A conversation between filmmaker Sherad Anthony Sanchez and Myra Beltran intersecting dance, film with literature in this online journal of UP DECL

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The article can be found in:
Narrativizing Dancing Bodies
Vol. 18 No. 1 Special issue of 2019

Journal of English Studies and Comparative Literature
Ed. By Patrick Alcedo and Ruth Jordana L. Pison.

Other authors are:
Monica Santos, Regina Bautista, Bryan Viray, J. Lorenzo Perillo

From Intro:
The following conversation reveals a fleshing out of the compositional concerns of Beltran and Sanchez whose collaborative works have spanned almost a decade. As they dialogue, their assumptions regarding their art forms are placed within constellations of socio-political and cultural dimensions. The exchange of ideas shows the process by which they clarify their positions on particular notions crucial to their craft and politics. What surfaces in the conversation is the creation process necessary to both their conceptualization and execution of works. While certain differences between their art forms appear occasionally, their contrapuntal lines converge most of the time in a complex and multi-layered fashion.
Sanchez and Beltran, whose critical language on dance and film intersect in the discourses of narrativity, movement, and image-making, also engage with my discipline—literary studies. While Beltran explains the migration of dance into film, Sanchez prods her to elaborate on the aesthetic experience afforded by his medium. Ultimately, the reader finds in the rich meanderings and crisscrossing of ideas, three bodies of knowledge that converse—dance, film, and literature.